The TNF Workshop is an open and ongoing international collaboration among experimental and computational researchers in turbulent combustion. The emphasis is on fundamental issues of turbulence-chemistry interactions in gaseous flames. The objectives are to:
- Establish a library of well-documented flames that advance fundamental scientific understanding of turbulent combustion and are appropriate for testing and extending models for complex combustion systems.
- Provide a framework for collaborative comparisons of measured and modeled results.
- Identify priorities for further experimental and computational research.
The TNF library includes multiscalar and velocity data from flows and flames that carry through a progression in complexity of the chemical kinetics and flow dynamics. Having started with simple nonpremixed jet flames of hydrogen, our attention has evolved to flames of simple hydrocarbon fuels that include modeling challenges such as local extinction and re-ignition, detached or lifted reaction zones, auto-ignition, flow recirculation, swirl, and multi-mode combustion.
Areas of current interest include combustion multi-mode combustion, metrics for assessment of model accuracy and uncertainty, and development of models that can address a broad range of combustion regimes, including nonpremixed, partially-premixed, stratified, and premixed flames. The selection of target flames and focus topics for future TNF Workshops will be based on the scientific interests of the organizers and active participants.