Robert S. Barlow
TNF15 Organizing Committee
Dr. Robert Barlow Sandia National Laboratories (retired) USA
Prof. Andreas Dreizler Technical University of Darmstadt Germany
Prof. Benoît Fiorina Ecole CentraleSupélec France
Prof. Christian Hasse Technical University of Darmstadt Germany
Prof. Matthias Ihme Stanford University USA
Prof. Andreas Kempf University Duisburg-Essen Germany
Prof. Peter Lindstedt Imperial College London UK
Prof. Gaetano Magnotti King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Saudi Arabia
Prof. Assaad Masri University of Sydney Australia
Prof. Joseph Oefelein Georgia Tech USA
Prof. Heinz Pitsch RWTH Aachen University Germany
Prof. Zhuyin Ren Tsinghua University China
Prof. Luc Vervisch INSA Rouen, CORIA France
Steve Pope and Dirk Roekaerts have retired from the TNF Organizing Committee. We thank them for their valuable contributions and expert leadership in turbulent combustion research over many years.