Chicago, Illinois, USA, July 22-24, 2004

The Seventh International Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames (TNF7) was held in Chicago, Illinois on 22-24 July 2004 and was attended by 80 researchers from 12 countries. The main topics of discussion included: comparison of results on the Sydney bluff-body flames, modeling of extinction and re-ignition, scalar dissipation, progress on combustion LES, prospects for detailed comparisons of measured and modeled results for premixed flames.
The TNF7 Proceedings file (273 pages, 17 MB) contains material from the notebook that was distributed to workshop participants. This includes two-page abstracts of all contributed posters, as well as presentations on the main discussion topics. Additional material from several of the invited contributors has been included. The 10-page Summary from the Proceedings is also available separately.
TNF7 Organizing Committee | ||
R. Barlow | J. Janicka | H. Pitsch |
R. Bilger | P. Lindstedt | S. Pope |
J.-Y. Chen | A. Masri | D. Roekaerts |
A. Dreizler | J. Oefelein |
NOTE: Results presented at the TNF Workshop may represent work in progress. It would be inappropriate to quote or reference information in these proceedings without first checking with the author for permission and for the latest information on results and references.